This effort supports Disabled Veterans who are LESS than 100% Service Releated Compensation or Disability Rating. Legislation in 1972 was helpful when the average cost of a home was approximately $26,000. A 50% Disabled Veteran received $10,000 or nearly 40% of the taxable value of the home exempt from taxation. Now with average home cost in Texas at nearly $356,000 that same disability rating and $10,000 exemption is about 2.5% or $20/month. Not even a tank of gas.....
The link will take you to a full slide presentation to all the data; slides advance automatically or you can scroll with mouse to advance. Data is as accurate as possible at the time with publicly available data from online sources. It does not reflect final legislation but is to be used as a start point for discussion and steps forward.
Let's email our representatives
Click on the "Who Represents me" image below. Put in your address and zip code to find your State Representative or Senator. The result will look similar to the middle image (small map with names listed). Click on the Texas names (NOT the U.S. representatives) and be redirected to their pages looking like the two right images. See the red circles in the images to find how to contact or email them. You will fill in basic data like name, address, email etc. I've written a short email below asking for their support in updating the 1972 legislation to make benefits for Disabled Veterans meaningful again. Copy that text and paste in the various emails.
The Constitutional Amendment from 1972 (Click Here)
Let's email our Governors and Veteran Affairs Chairman
Click on the images below to contact Gov Abbott, Lt Gov Patrick or Sen Hancock (Veterans Affairs Chairman). The links for the Governors are to a "I need assistance" webpage where you will fill in basic data like name, address, email etc. There may be an issue/topic pull-down, select or type Military or Veteran and then cut-n-paste the text from this link into the Comments box and then hit submit. Very easy to do all three elected officials below.
Be sure to share the link!!
No change for 100% Disabled Vets,
Let's update the distribution for lower ratings
Copy-n-Paste from this link or the text in the box to the right and place it in the "message, comment, text" area of the email you are sending to the various State Representatives.
If you like you may put the person's name and title as a greeting, also be sure to sign your name after placing the text in the box.
Be sure to share the link!!
Click here to see Facebook Group Page, please share on Facebook.
To whom it may concern,
In 1972, the Texas Legislature passed an amendment to the Texas Constitution, Article 8 Taxation and Revenue, with the goal of providing significant property tax relief to disabled veterans.
At the time, homes cost approximately $25,000, and the relief dollar figures were commensurate with the bands of disability assigned by the VA to veterans. The values provided in the benefit were meaningful then. For example, a Veteran with a 50% disability would have received a tax exemption of approximately 40% on the value of an average home. Currently, only veterans disabled at 100% receive a 100% exemption on property taxes. Veterans with lower disability ratings receive benefits on the order of 2-3%. Unfortunately, the bill was written with fixed dollar amounts for other levels of disability, and those amounts have not been amended since 1972.
I respectfully request your assistance and support on this matter. I look forward to your response.
Other Legislators to Contact
Legislators with Military Roots
88th* House of Representatives Veteran Affairs
* Last year's Veteran Affair Committee; assignments not currently done for this year's efforts
Senate Veterans Affairs
Kelly Hancock
Tan Parker
Sarah Eckhardt
Roland Gutierrez
Brent Hagenbuch
Bob Hall
José Menéndez
Additional Info
Gov Abbott top 2025 Priorities
Texas Property Tax Rates thru 2022​
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